Monday, September 29, 2014

Trauma Nurse

Trauma Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities: Nurses registries that work in hospitals or stand-alone emergency departments. Emergency/ Trauma nurses provide care to patients who have suffered serious and sometimes life-threatening physical injuries e.g. Car accidents, work related injuries and suicide attempts. These injuries can potentially result in secondary complications such as respiratory failure, shock and death.
The main duties of an Emergency / Trauma Nurse include:
·       Providing care to patients in an emergency situation.
·       Administering emergency procedures e.g. code blue and CPR.
·       Acting fast and thinking on their feet.
·       Handling complex and difficult situations.
·       Operating healthcare machines.

Salary: $64,690

Education: They must start their venture with basic nursing training. They must also work to become a licensed registered nurse. Registered nurses are required to obtain a diploma, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree. However, if they want to become a trauma nurse, it is required that they earn a bachelor degree. Even if they earn a bachelor degree (BSN), it is recommended that they become certified as a trauma nurse specialist (TNS), or a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN). This may be accomplished through the Board of Certification in Emergency Nursing. The certifications are awarded after you pass the 16-hour course. While trauma nurse certification is not necessarily required, the ones who possess it certainly have an edge when it comes to the perception of potential employers.

REFLECTION: I think  that never I can be a a trauma nurse because that work is very hard, difficult and stressful while, I don't like see much blood or people sick because alter  me.

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