Auricular Therapy
Duties and Responsibilities: Is an alternative medicine where
you have a reflection of the entire body represented on the auricle, the outer
portion of the ear; acupuncture can reduce symptoms in patients with minor
depression, chronic anxiety disorders and general anxiety disorders. Unlike
regular Acupuncturists who use points throughout the body, you, the Auricular
Acupuncturist, focus your energy solely on the ear. It is believed that the ear
represents the entire person, with over 100 different pressure points that
correspond with the various parts of the body.
Salary: $38,000 - $ 137,000
Education: C
Passing score on ACI
practicum exam offered by an authorized ACI examiner. The practicum evaluation
will require discussion of applicant’s clinical experience with auriculotherapy
and auricular acupuncture and a demonstration of clinical skills using
auriculotherapy techniques, material and equipment used in that one’s clinical
practice. The written and practicum ACI exams are usually given together and
can be taken before the completion of other ACI certification forms and
requirements. However, all ACI documents must be completed and turned into the
ACI office within 60 days of passing the exams.
Documentation of 20 clinical cases
treated with auriculotherapy using the Auriculotherapy Treatment Form (ATF)
provided by ACI. Each vignette should include the health condition treated,
clinical assessments prior to auriculotherapy treatment, the specific auricular
points stimulated, the number of treatment sessions given, and the outcome of
the treatment.
REFLECTION: I think that I would be a like of they because, is a job interesting, you can find the exacts points in the ear and eliminate discomfort of the patient.
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