Friday, February 27, 2015

Student Success Statement
“The true way to honor the past is to improve upon it.”
Image result for n eldon tanner 
N. Eldon Tanner

REFLECTION: I think this statement is true because the past is the past and you can’t do nothing to change it, but you can improve it after for you don’t continue do the same mistakes.

Image result for reflexologyDuties and Responsibilities:  An alternative medicine that focuses on the hands and feet. Reflexologists believe that stimulated pressure points can release tension and stress throughout the entire body.
Salary: $35,970
Education: Individuals interested in becoming reflexologists need to complete a postsecondary program and meet a minimum number of training hours. To obtain employment, they likely need to complete a massage therapy program, although separate certificate programs in reflexology are also available.
Reflection:  I think career is not interesting.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Student Success Statement

    “It may make a        difference to all     eternity whether
 We do right or     wrong today.”
Image result for make a difference 
Image result for james freeman clarke

--James Freeman Clark

REFLECTION: I think this statement is true because, if you will do the difference for all eternity you need do the right and the persons remember the good actions you did, the reason of make a difference is do good things for other continue do it.
Airline Pilot
Image result for airline pilotDuties and responsibilities: In a typical day may start with the pilot using computer skills to check weather and light plans. The plane must be pre- flighted and all aircraft logs reviewed. When ready, the pilot will oversee the push-back and then taxi to the run away.
Salary: $121,914
Education: obtain a college degree, acquire flight experience, gain professional 
experience, and advances as an airline pilot.

REFLECTION: I think this career is interesting because, is really exited fly on the sky, see the clouds, and see the lands from the top.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Student Success Statement

Image result for create your future“The best way to predict your future is to create it”.

Charles Ketterer

Image result for create your future

Reflection: I think this statement is true because, during your life you can image thousands of things you want do and you are the unique person who must do real your dreams, you can create your future, is simple, if you want an A in your history class you must study for the exams, work in class and do your homework and you can be sure you obtain an A as a gift for you effort.
“Bless You”

Image result for why people say bless you

Many people have become accustomed to saying “bless you” when someone sneezes. No one says anything when someone coughs blows their nose or burps. Wishing someone well after they sneeze, probably originated thousands of years ago. The Romans would say “Jupiter preserve you” or “Salve”, which meant “good health to you”, and Greeks would wish each other “long life”.
Image result for why people say bless youThe phrase bless you is attributed to Pope Gregory the Greta, who uttered it in the 6th century during a bubonic plague epidemic.

For most of the part, the various sneeze responses originated from ancient superstitions. Some people believed that a sneeze causes the soul to escape the body through the nose. Saying “bless you” would stop the devil from claiming the person’s freed soul. Others believed the opposite; that evil spirits use the sneeze as an opportunity to enter a person’s.